Sunday, May 6, 2012


Oh, how I love pinterest. It is my favorite thing to do when I should be folding laundry or mopping the floor.  This is one of my favorites funnies.

But I love Pinterest for many reasons.  Here are a mere few.......
I can collect things that I cannot collect in real life.....

I can fill my head with wild home improvement ideas....

I can get organized.....

I can have a summer home....
Source: via Katy on Pinterest

I can have a garden that doesn't get scorched in the Texas heat.....

I can find wisdom......

and wit....
Source: via Katy on Pinterest

and exercise plans
Source: via Andera on Pinterest

(and the motivation to almost do the work out plans!)

a new hairdo....

I could go on and on and on, but I am sure you are getting the idea? It is so very fun. Pinterest is an excellent snapshot of things I like, "heart", enjoy, want to try, or simply admire. I get to see what my friends like and find new friends through shared pins. As Martha would say, It's a good thing.


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