Friday, February 10, 2012


As, you might know, I was done with this week on Tuesday.  Well today, it is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterword.  Rebecca Black Anyone??   If you have not seen this you tube smash, please do not deny yourself 3 minutes and 48 seconds of bad clothes and worse lyrics.  If it weren't for this catchy tune, I don't know how I would have ever mastered the days of the week.   The link is right there.  You want to click it. Go, now!
Ok, you are back!   You have returned to me and you are surely feeling enlightened about days of the week, bowls of cereyo, and the difficult teenage decision of where to sit in a car. And you are better for it.

But really today is FRIED DAY.  I am completely worn out.  Today was the teacher soup luncheon and the morning began with pulling together a Caesar salad for 60.  Back that up, Friday really began yesterday about 3 PM when I made a crock pot full of delicious tomato basil soup for the luncheon. Then ballet.  Then I cut approximately 65 11 inch squares out of denim for the auction project.  It is going to be fantastic, but geeeeze, my wrist hurts.   Then I washed and dried all 18 heads of lettuce for the salad.  
Then I passed out in bed, ONLY I didn't pass out because I tossed and turned because my husband was gone and because I came up with a business idea for a friend and I couldn't shut my mind off.  When I finally did drift off,  the "make the salad" alarm went off.
We drove to school today because I was toting a bowl the size of a baby pool full of salad, a crock pot, various garnishes for the soup and salad, and a bag full of 45 pounds of jeans and fabric.  The receptionist is beyond looking at me in a puzzled way when I come in like this.  She just says hello, gives me my volunteer badge and sends me on my way.  The crossing guard still has not quite gotten used to me.  We walk every day except days when there is lightning or days when I have a Beverly Hillbilly load to transport.  He suggested that I get myself a shopping cart to push back and forth because I am always hauling something.  He may be on to something.  
As a reward for enduring this somewhat lame, fried brain, poor content post, I shall reward you with the tomato basil soup recipe.  It came from The lady who posted it also took it to a teacher luncheon.

Tomato Basil Soup

1 14.5 ounce can chicken broth (you can use veggie if you want to keep it vegetarian)
2 28 ounce cans of crushed tomatoes
1 package fresh basil from the produce section or about 18-20 leaves
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1 stick of butter
In a large stock pot, boil chicken broth and tomatoes.   While you wait for the boil, chop your basil.  Reduce heat to low.  Add basil and sugar.  Stir.  Add cream and stir.  Add butter and stir.  Stir, stir, stir.
When the butter is melted, you can eat.  I will blend mine next time because my kids want it silky smooth, but it is an extra step, so feel free to skip it.
I served it with Parmesan cheese and basil croutons for garnish.

And when you are at the grocery store, kindly pick me up a shopping cart.  I will be asleep on my couch until Monday-- I wish.



.....Elizabeth..... Polka Dot Skies said...

I'm enjoying all of your posts! You are so funny! Hope you are getting some rest this weekend!
xoxo Elizabeth

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